Wykłady prof. Cheng Ling-fang

Cheng Ling-fang, profesor socjologii, na co dzień pracuje w Graduate Institute of Gender Studies, Kaohsiung Medical University. W Instytucie Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu poprowadzi wykłady na temat przemian społeczno-kulturowych i politycznych na Tajwanie. Zajęcia w języku angielskim.

Termin: 4 czerwca 2017 (niedziela), 11:00-12:30

Miejce: ul. Gronostajowa 3, sala 129

Tytuł: Political and Socio-cultural Movements for a Democratic Taiwan 1950-2000

It takes 50 years for democracy to be rooted in Taiwan. The talk will lead the audience to understand the long process of social, political and cultural changes during the period of 1950-2000. The first part of the talk will focus on how one-party (Nationalist Party, KMT) dominance shaped the ideology and values of baby-boomer generation. The second part focus on the changes took place after the lift of Martial Law in 1987 and gave birth to the opposition party, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). We will discuss various social movements which took place during 1980-2000, such as feminist movement, worker's movement, aboriginal movement and environmental movement.


Termin: 4 czerwca 2017 (niedziela), 12:30-14:00

Miejce: ul. Gronostajowa 3, sala 129

Tytuł: projekcja filmu 回首來時路 (Glimpses Down the Path)


Termin: 4 czerwca 2017 (niedziela), 14:00-15:30

Miejce: ul. Gronostajowa 3, sala 129

Tytuł: How Democracy is Practiced in Taiwan 2000-2017?

After the general election in 2000, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) took the political power, eight year later, DPP was voted out, and re-elected into power in 2016. During this period, the Taiwan society had gone through a sea-change. The talk will focus on the practice of democracy via the changes in the family, sex and gender relations, healthcare and national identity, as well as the flourishing of NGOs (non-government organizations). At the end of the talk, the audience could have a much deeper understanding of democratic Taiwan (with youtube visual material).


Termin: 5 czerwca 2017 (poniedziałek), 10:15-11:45

Miejce: ul. Gronostajowa 3, sala 129

Tytuł: The Darkness and Brightness of Taiwan in May 2017: Sexual assault and suicide &  Legalization of homosexual marriage

Wykład w języku chińskim, Q&A


Cheng Lingfang

Plakat prof. Cheng




Data opublikowania: 31.05.2017
Osoba publikująca: Ewa Trojnar